Westfield Ninth Grade Center

Spring ISD

In 2016, Spring ISD made the decision to provide 9th Grade Centers at each of their three comprehensive high schools to relieve overcrowding at those campuses. Westfield HS, did not have available property to build a new 9th Grade Center, but instead planned to convert an existing middle school into a 9th Grade Center. The existing building, Roberson Middle School was a complex and extensive renovation to meet current codes. The new learning environment includes classrooms, CTE labs, resource rooms, open collaborative space, and support spaces. The interior spatial organization allows for the maximum flexibility for designed or spontaneous learning. The courtyard’s landscape design tailors inspiring outdoor environments for class-sized groups, individual study, and outdoor gatherings.

  • Client Spring ISD
  • Category Prek-12
  • Awards ASA/TASB Design Awards: School Transformation

Our whole goal is to ease the transition into high school so our students can have a strong freshman year that gives them the foundation to be successful in high school and beyond. This campus is perfect.


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