As the clock ticks down to your school district’s bond election, we know how important it is to gather those last-minute votes. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with some awesome tips! Our Director of Communications and Community Engagement, Cody Cunningham, has an impressive corporate/school communications background and has helped pass over $3B in successful bond initiatives. Plus, with our 98% pass rate, we’ve learned a thing or two about what works. Check out our top 10 tips below…
Work with high schools to schedule student groups (cheerleaders, STUCO, band, athletes, etc.) to stand at various campus entrances during drop-off and pick-up, displaying “Don’t Forget to Vote!” signs.
Reach out to PTOs, PTAs, and booster clubs, and ask them to send out a message to all members to get out and vote.
Contact each principal and challenge them to invite staff to come up with one last creative idea to get out the vote (staff will be much more likely to be engaged if they are generating the ideas themselves).
Offer lunch for the campus that has the highest staff and parent turnout or promote an incentive to encourage the highest voter turnout.
Email parents a map to the polling location with dates and polling times and let them know that all they need to bring with them is their driver’s license. Don’t assume they are familiar with the voting locations.
Ask principals to send out a personal recorded phone message and email to parents impressing upon them the importance of voting. Your vote is your voice!
Have teachers (with their permission) wear “Did You Vote?” stickers. They create conversation and buzz about the election.
Touch base with all local youth football, basketball, baseball, soccer, and other sports leagues and ask if they would be willing to send out a reminder to vote message with details on where to vote.
Ask your local Chamber of Commerce to send a message to all member businesses and contacts, reminding them to vote and share bond information.
Contact your retired teacher’s association and ask if they would be interested in phone banking or block walking the final week of the election to share bond information and encourage voter turnout.

Looking for more bond strategies or election support? Reach out to Cody Cunningham, our Director of Communications and Community Engagement at Pfluger Architects. He is here to help any time of the day or night.
Phone: (469) 865-3300